Wednesday, June 20


Oh My English-by

Ketika mana seorang wanita melayu nak putuskan hubungan dengan gewe dia seorang mat Salleh..

Dia menulis sepucuk surat yang berbunyi…

My motive write this letter to gove you know something
I want to cut connection us..
I have think about this very cook cook
I know I clap one hand only

Correctly, I have seen you and she together at town
With eyes myself..
You always ast to apology back back..
I dont trust you again!!
You are really crocodile land…

My friend say you play wood three..
Now.. I know you correct correct play wood three!
So, I break connection to pull my body..
From this love triangle.. :(

I know this result I pick is very correct..
Because you love she very high from me..
So, I break off to go far from here..
I don’t want you to play play with my liver..
I have been crying until no more eye water
Thnking about you :(

I don’t want banana to fruit two times!
Safe walk..


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